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Event Weekend Information

Tentative Itinerary for Participants

  • Saturday August 21, 2021

    • Packet pick-up on 8/21 @ 3:00pm - 5:00pm (time is subject to change)

      • Option 1 (island packet pick-up) @ Mission Point Hotel on Mackinac Island 

      • Option 2 (mainland packet pick-up) @ Alexander Henry Park in Mackinaw City

    • Mandatory safety meeting will be held at both locations








Packet pick-up

Packet pick-up

Mainland pick-up

Mainland pick-up

Island pick-up

Island pick-up

Sunday August 22, 2021 - EVENT DAY!​


note:  information in orange is only applicable to those staying on the mainland the night before the event


  • Arrive by 5:30am to the ferry day parking location (corner of, S Nicolet St & Mackinaw Crossings Dr, Mackinaw City, MI 49701)

    • please use this day parking lot (map below), as it is a shuttle lot to the ferry.  The actual ferry lot is expected to already be full​


  • Check-in with MIS staff (more than likely, it will be Jon Vos).  Ferry leaves at 6:30am, no exceptions.


  • Ferry hauls 280 passengers.   Swimmers and volunteers are top priority.   SWIMMERS MUST BE ON THIS  EARLY FERRY.  Use code MISWIM2021 when purchasing your ferry ticket from, this will provide a discount and ensure you a spot on the early ferry.



  • Kayak transportation via the ferry is an additional $20, for those planning on having their own kayak support or a kayaker involved with your relay, please line this up a day in advance to make event day less stressful on yourselves (more information will be provided regarding kayakers, check back soon)










  • Arrival @ Mackinac Island around 7:00am for those taking the ferry.  â€‹

    • Swimmers will unload bags for the finish line at the sidewalk near the ferry


  • From the ferry it is a ½ mile walk to the start line @ Grand Hotel


  • Depending on ferry arrival the SWIM will START around 7:15am  to 8:00am 

    • Please understand this is an event and not a race, we will do our best to get everyone in the water smoothly and safely as quick as possible. 


  • Swimmers will enter the water in a rolling start fashion.  

    • Those wishing to complete 8.2 miles will head left (south) at the start and circle a buoy near biddle point (west end of the harbor)​

    • For all others the swim will start by heading north and going clockwise around the island, approximate mileage for this route is around 7 miles.


  • Swimmers are to remain between the kayakers/boats/buoys and the island at all times.

    • 99% of this swim can be completed in water depths that are standing height​


  • Swimmers are highly encouraged to make the halfway mark (aid station) by 11:30am

    • Volunteers may encourage you to exit the water and catch up some distance on the land if this is the case.  ​


  • ​Halfway point will provide the only aid station.  We will have an assortment of food, gu and hydration as well as medical staff available


  • Exiting the water is always available to swimmers, however you MUST check in with staff on land when getting in or out of the water.  This applies to relay member as well.  MIS staff will be wearing bright lime green shirts with our logo on them


  • Finish Line is @ Mission Point

    • For those wishing to complete a full 8.2 miles, there will be a buoy near the east break wall of the harbor that marks this point.  ​


  • Finish line festivities!

    • Buffet will be available from 12:00pm - 1:30pm and 2:00pm - 3:30pm​

      • for those finishing after 3:30pm a boxed meal will be available

    • Swimmers are welcome to enjoy refreshments on the Mission Point lawn all afternoon and cheer on fellow swimmers coming to the finish line​


  • Last ferry back to the mainland departs Mackinac Island @ 9:00pm











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